직원 Administration Office - 국제학부
성명(직위) Name(Position) |
담당업무 Responsibilities |
전화번호(교내) Phone Number (Extension) |
이메일 |
김경수(선임부장) Kim Kyung-Su (Senior Manager) |
국제학부 RC 총괄 General management of the College of International Studies RC |
02-2220-0286 | kskim123@hanyang.ac.kr |
허진(차장) Hur Jin (Deputy Manager) |
국제학대학원 입시, 장학, 종합시험, 논문 Admissions, scholarships, comprehensive exams, and thesis for the Graduate School of International Studies |
02-2220-0288 | geeny79@hanyang.ac.kr |
박성희(직원) Park Sunghee (Staff) |
국제학대학원 및 일반대학원 학사 운영 administration for the Graduate School of International Studies and the General Graduate School |
02-2220-0287 | sunghee208@hanyang.ac.kr |
김현종(직원) Kim Hyun-Jong (Staff) |
국제학부 학적,장학 및 중국경제통상전공 담당 Student records, scholarships for the College of International Studies students, and management of the Chinese Economy & Trade program |
02-2220-0281 | james12840@hanyang.ac.kr |